Come to Learn, Leave to Serve
Government College of Technology Kohat is situated on Rawalpindi Road at a distance of 3.5 Km. from Kohat main city. It is spread over 40 kanals of land having different academic blocks for three technologies and B- Tech. Well equipped workshops and fully functional labs...
The college is fully equipped with all the facilities for better teaching and learning process. The curricular and co-curricular activities are carried out as per practice.
Government College of Technology Kohat offers admission in D.A.E. (Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Technologies) for both morning and 2nd shift.
The course syllabus is structured in a sensible way that enables me our students to work with the new technologies in the market.
<%----%>The course syllabus is structured in a sensible way that enables me our students to work with the new technologies in the market.
Dear Students/ Parents
I and my fellow colleagues appreciate your decision of choosing TVET as your preferred choice of moving up the education ladder. We assure that you have taken a step in the right direction and its benefits will unfold for you, family, the community and economy in due course of time. Education is the key to any development strategy but TVET is being considered as the master key that can transform the world of work and the economy, alleviate poverty and bring development that is sustainable. We are entering into a transition from Education for All to TVET for All and it brings greater responsibility on the TVET system to expand not only quantitatively but qualitatively as well. To exploit the unfolding opportunities for our youth in a more befitting manner, GCT Kohat in connivance of guidance from KP-TEVTA is striving its best to occasion the change in our training system towards better employability and to create an environment that nurture enterprising capabilities of our youth.
As new entrant to technical stream I advise you to maximize your time on the campus through active involvement in learning activities in the class and hands-on practices in the workshops and laboratories. By the time when you go out through this three years long sojourn of training, you will stand out as a useful person of society and ready to contribute to the economic growth of the country and provide enhanced level of services to our society through your attained technical capabilities. The way learning happens is quite different in this information age and please don’t restrict yourself to formal teaching and learning activities on campus. Explore a sea of information through networking technologies. I will advise to acquire or internalize, store and organize, share and disseminate and try to implement what you have learned. You will co-create knowledge, accumulate wisdom and will stand out in contributing to our society. I try my level best through my team to make possible learning environment in our college a most sought after place of engagement. Wish you all the best and let us make TVET a key to prosperity for all.
Thank You
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