Government College of Technology Kohat is gathering its D.A.E. and B.Tech. Pass-out Students' Data for establishing ALUMNI DATABASE required for International Accreditation to meet National and International Standards. It may not only enable us to trace the successfully passed out students but also to make collaboration and recognize the College as internationally accredited accross the country worldwide.


Full Name:
Father Name:
CNIC (without dashes):
Dat of Birth:
Cell No.: e.g.; 3321234567
WhatsApp No: e.g.; 3321234567
Country of Residence:
Degree/Diploma Obtained from GCT Kohat:
Year of Passing:
Any other higher qualification(s):
Current Employement Status:
Professional Registration/Membership with National/International Societies/Council/Institutes: e.g.; Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), National Technology Council (NTC), IEEE, IME, etc. if any.
Professional Work Licening from National/International Societies/Council/Institutes: e.g.; Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), National Technology Council (NTC), IEEE, IME, etc. if any.

Job History/Experience

From latest to oldest
1. Organization: Job Nature: From: Till:
2. Organization: Job Nature: From: Till:
3. Organization: Job Nature: From: Till: