Creative Ideas Corner

Grooming Individual Ideas and Tapping Opportunities


Technical and vocational education and training is focused on developing aspiring individuals as skilled workers for the workplaces i.e. a variety of industries and business concerns. Workplaces and systems have become more complex, automated and logic based with intelligence embedded into different system and require workers to be flexible, creative and all the time for innovation in their work domain. Moreover, dynamics of jobs availability and nature of jobs have drastically changed marked with diminishing opportunities in the public sector organization and instead of pursuing public sector jobs, students completing their programs are compelled to either work in private sector firms and or start their own businesses based on their technological background and skills attained. Likewise a changing focus has been observed in the TVET institutions as they integrate education/ training, job placement services and promoting entrepreneurial potentials to be tapped for self-employment through venture creation.

With the above mentioned scenario, the management of GCT Kohat is keen on instilling creativity among the students by providing them understanding on the creative processes, ideas generation, development and maturing them into a novel solutions to problems in the technological arenas, society and other project based interventions. Therefore, with the consent of the Institute Management Committee (IMCs) in the 11th meeting, we came up with the idea of developing a framework within which all activities of the CIC will take place. It is perceived that apart from focusing on student’s creativity, it will also focus on tapping ingenuity of the teaching faculty as well to maximize their potential for the betterment of the Institute. Creative Ideas Corner is co-curricular establishment and will be run on volunteerism by the committee assigned for it with no regular remuneration and will be recognized as extension service of the teachers/ staff to students.


The CIC will work with the following broader objectives:

  1. Familiarize students on how to start creative thinking and Inspires them to come up with novel Ideas to social and technological problems
  2. Provide Display Center of students’ creative work and Ideas
  3. Organize exhibitions and competition to show case skills and technology projects including supervision of final years students projects
  4. Facilitate development of entrepreneurial Ideas and activities

Committee for CIC

The committee is being chaired by the Principal and will be assisted by Engr. Bakhtiar Khattak (Mechanical Technology). There will be members from each Technology including B.Tech program with the following combination:

  1. Principal (Chairman)
  2. Engr. Bakhtiar (Convener and member Mechanical)
  3. Ihsan Ullah Khan (Member Civil Technology)
  4. Akhtar Manan (Member Electrical Technology)
  5. Zia Ullah (Member Related Studies(Science))
  6. Engr. Babar (Member B.Tech.)
  7. Lecturer Economics (Co-Opted Member)