The college is fully equipped with all the facilities for better teaching and learning process. The curricular and co-curricular activities are carried out as per practice.

Class Rooms

Nearly all the class rooms are provided with modern teaching learning resources. Such as white boards, OHP and multimedia etc.

Brief Of Labs And Workshops

Labs and workshops are indispensable parts and parcels of technical education. A brief description is as follows:

Sr. No Name of Technology Labs/Workshop
1 Electrical
  1. Electrical Wiring Shop
  2. Electrical Power Lab
  3. Electronics Lab
2 Mechanical
  1. Machine Shop
  2. Welding Shop
  3. Woodwork Shop
  4. Foundry Shop
  5. Material Testing Lab
3 Civil
  1. Survey Lab
  2. Construction Lab
  3. Drafting Lab
  4. Hydraulics
4 Related Studies
  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry

Computer Lab

In order to impart computer knowledge and skills to the students, a computer lab comprising of 26 computers is available. LAN & WAN facilities exist in this lab.


This college has big library having a variety of books on technical, general and literary topics. This aim at enhancing and supplementing the student readers. At least three to four text books each year are issued to students. Besides this, national newspapers, journals etc. come regularly to keep students well informed of news and technological developments.

Provision Of Library Facility For 2nd Shift Student

It was agreed that 2nd Shift Students will be allowed to avail the library facility subject to the collection of following fee:-

1 Library Security (The same as in practice in the morning shift) Rs. 1,000 once in whole
2 Library Fund (may be utilized for the purchase of Books/Newspaper/Generals etc. and library staff remuneration  

Academic Council

Academic year is planned in advance in August each year. This task is performed by academic council. All Head of departments, chief proctor, controller of examination and hostel warden are the members of this council. Academic policies are made and executed by this council and all issues if arise during the academic year are solved by this council.

Proctorial Board

A well organized students proctorial board has always been very helpful to the college management in managing the affairs of the institute. Student proctor are selected every year and their activities are supervised and monitored by staff proctorial board which acts as supervisory body.

Literary Society

In order to arouse and polish the literary capabilities among the students, the literary society of the students has been formed. It is supervised by incharge literary society. Naa’t Khawani, Quiz competition, debates, declamation contests are regularly organized by this society.

The College Magazine

Techno-Mag is the college magazine which is published annually. Young scholars are encouraged to come out with write-ups of technical/general nature on a variety of topics. A students’ editorial board is constituted every year for this purpose, which guide the young writers in their creative writing.

Industrial Tour

Local as well as national visits to industrial units are arranged by this college. These visits are arranged for all the three technologies during the academic year. This helps in exposing than to industrial units and they learn there industrial environment as well as requirements for technicians working there. This widens the mental and technical horizons of the students. Thus a close liaison is strived to be achieved between Technical Education of Industries.

Placement Office

A placement office is maintained under the supervision of an officer. The officer keeps a close contact with different local and national industrial units regarding their requirements of technical personals. He recommends names of passed out students for practical training. This office also keep in touch with manager of industries regarding knowledge and skill requirements of technicians/supervisors they require.

Games And Sports

Besides teaching, for physical and mental growth of the students games/sports are also arranged in the college. Director Physical Education is always available to organize sports activities in the college. Students of this college has not only participated in inter-college sports competition but also in inter-board sports competition and has a good record of wining different events at its credit.

Annual Functions

At the end of every academic year, annual functions are held regularly. In this function, students who have achieved excellence in different events are awarded with prizes and certificates. This has created a healthy competitive atmosphere in the college.


One hostel to accommodate one hundred students is also available which offers residential facilities to the students of remote areas such as Gilgit, Muzaffarabad, Punjab etc. Hostel is managed by hostel warden under the administrative control of the principal. Boarder students are encouraged to manage the hostel affairs themselves. For this purpose a hostel management committee comprising of students representatives and two staff members have been constituted to create conducive atmosphere inside the hostel. The actual electricity bill is to be divided among the residents of the hostel in analogy with GCT Peshawar.


Uniform of the college will be Gray Pent & Blue Shirt for both morning & evening shifts. All Students are advised to be in proper uniform.

2nd Shift D.A.E. Programme

As a result of the industrial revolution in the country, there is continuous growing demand of technicians for industrial units. Consequently youth is taking interest in technical education . In order to meet the demand of technicians/supervisors for the industries, The worthy Ex: Director Technical Education & Manpower Training (KPK) Peshawar, directed the institute management to start 2nd shift D.A.E. programme.

Some of the main features of this programme are:

  1. Besides candidates of Kohat Division, candidates from other districts can also apply for admission under this programme.
  2. Students are taught and trained in the same environment by the same teacher in the same college but under different timings of the day.
  3. Total fee for 2nd shift D.A.E. programme is rupees 15,260/- annum for 1st year including government dues, board dues, DMC verification, training charges, security etc. This amount is to be paid at the time of admission. However annual fee for 2nd and 3rd year will be rupees 15,260/- annum which are payable at the start of each academic year.
  4. The admitted students under this programme have access to all the available facilities.
  5. Once admitted under this programme a student can not migrate to morning shift. However, migration from 2nd shift to 2nd shift is allowed in 2nd year subject to availability of seats.
  6. 2nd shift students are not allowed to take classes in the morning.
  7. A separate admission form for 2nd shift is required to be filled and submitted. Admission form of morning shift will not be valid for admission to 2nd shift.
  8. The other terms/conditions and rules/regulation of the morning shift are equally applicable to students of 2nd shift programme.
  9. Two seats for employees of G.C.T Kohat are reserved for improvement of their qualification.