Come to Learn, Leave to Serve
Government College of Technology Kohat is situated on Rawalpindi Road at a distance of 3.5 Km. from Kohat main city. It is spread over 40 kanals of land having different academic blocks for three technologies and B- Tech. Well equipped workshops and fully functional labs...
The college is fully equipped with all the facilities for better teaching and learning process. The curricular and co-curricular activities are carried out as per practice.
Government College of Technology Kohat offers admission in D.A.E. (Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Technologies) for both morning and 2nd shift.
The course syllabus is structured in a sensible way that enables me our students to work with the new technologies in the market.
<%----%>The course syllabus is structured in a sensible way that enables me our students to work with the new technologies in the market.
Should you have any queries, suggestions or complaints, you may contact us on the details specified below:
Government College Of Technology Kohat
College Town, RawalPindi Road Kohat
Telephone: 0922-9260063
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